
We believe that the 66 books of Scripture, as originally given, are the inspired and infallible Word of God.

We believe these Scriptures to be without error and to be our supreme standard and guide in all matters, our only rule of faith and conduct.

1 Timothy 3; Psalm 19:7-11; Psalm 119; Isaiah 40:8; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews1:1-14; 2 Peter 1:19-21

The Fall

We believe that man (both male and female) was created holy and truly happy. He possessed an inward knowledge of the will of God and enjoyed intimate and unbroken communion with the Lord. However, Adam rebelled against God, and the sinful nature of Adam has been passed on to all subsequent generations of the human race, resulting in the corruption of every part of man.

We believe the Genesis account of the fall of man we accept as historically accurate and as the only adequate explanation of the beginnings of human history.

Genesis 3; Jeremiah 17:9-10; Ephesians 2:1-10


We believe that salvation is applied to the elect by the Holy Spirit. By His powerful and mysterious work, dead souls are quickened into spiritual life and given the desire and ability to repent of sin and believe in Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

We believe that sinners are justified through faith alone and are united to the Lord Jesus in all aspects of His redeeming work. Thus renewed, the believer is adopted into God's family and becomes a partaker of the divine nature.

John 10:25-29; Acts 16:13-15; II Corinthians 4:1-6


We believe that the true Church consists of the whole number of God's elect, past, present, and future.

We believe that Christians in a particular location are encouraged to covenant together in a visible bond of fellowship.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ exercises His government of the local church through men gifted and called to occupy the offices of elder and deacon.

We believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances to be observed by the local church.

We believe baptism is an expression of faith and repentance and should be administered by total immersion. Baptism by immersion is a requirement for membership in the local church.

Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 8:5-11; Acts 2:38-47; 6:1-6; 11:21-23; 14:21-15:6; Romans 6:1-5; I Corinthians 11:23-24; I Timothy 3:1-13


We believe God to be the Creator and the sustainer of all things. He alone is immortal and eternal, possessing life in Himself, while all else that exists derives its being from Him.

We believe God is the Redeemer. In its inception, provision, and application, the salvation of sinners is entirely the work of God.

We believe that our God, though One in Being, exists eternally in three distinct Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, inseparably united in the essence of the Divine Being.

Psalm 96; Genesis 1 & 2; Romans 11:33-36; Ephesians 1:3-14


We believe that the salvation of people is not because of their character, good works, law-keeping, or ceremonies but is entirely the result of divine grace.

We believe that by His suffering and sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus became a substitute for His people, thus reconciling God and man. He was buried, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven where He lives and reigns, and He will come again for His Church.

We believe the Holy Spirit fulfills His supreme work in revealing the things of Christ, guiding into all truth, and glorifying Christ in regeneration.

Isaiah 53; John 17:13-26; Acts 2:29-36; I Corinthians 15:1-25


We believe that the true Christian will desire to glorify God by a life that conforms to His laws, and the power enabling him so to live. Good works and practical holiness are indispensable evidence of an authentic experience of divine grace.

We believe that the unchanging laws of God govern Christian behaviour and are worked out in dependence on and through the enabling of the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer.

Psalm 119:1-16; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 5:13-20; 7:15-29; Romans 6:1-14


We believe in the personal, bodily return of Jesus Christ when he will exercise his role as final Judge, and his kingdom will be consummated.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust—the unjust to judgment and eternal conscious punishment in hell and the just to eternal blessedness in the presence of God.

We believe that on that day the church will be presented without fault before God by the obedience, suffering and triumph of Christ, with all sin purged.